Sunday, August 7, 2016


Another day with reasonable temperatures.
Chores as usual.

 A little before 10 I arrived at the Farm Market to play with the Sunday Jam group.
We are called the Brockport Buskers.
 There were only 6 of us today, but we made a lot of noise!

 Always a good time.
All the vendors contribute to a box of goodies for the performers, and I came home with some tomatoes, cherries and a couple zucchini that became the main course of our dinner tonight.
 Do you have a vegetti?  It turns the zucchini into "noodles."
 I also used it for the carrot.  Prepped 1 onion and part of an orange and red pepper.
 Started by putting a little oil in a big wok and added the onion and peppers.
 Once they started to soften...
 I added the zucchini and carrots.

 When they were tender, I threw in 1/3 cup of chicken stock and cherry tomatoes.
Finished it off
 with grated cheese, salt and pepper.
 In the meantime, I made a salad using our red leaf lettuce, blueberries, cherries and a dried nectarine that was diced.  Dressed it with cold pressed canola oil and peach balsamic vinegar.
 Gary grilled some corn...
 and we were
 ready to eat!  Big yum.
Night all.

I called Lollypop Farm today to make arrangements to adopt Sage, and !!!! at that moment he was being checked out!  So, he will not be coming here, but has a home.  Yay!  When I posted this on FB, a friend commented that he was featured on Channel 10 as the Pet of the Week!  No wonder.
Just happy that someone wants to take care of this 13 year old, sweet boy.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you got a home Sage. Wish you were coming home to that lady's farm
    Lily & Edward


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