Friday, August 12, 2016

Finally, Tomatoes

Already hot when I got to the barn.

Not so great for the girls.
By the time I got in the house I was soaked.  Even the back of my hair was wet.
Had to run a few errands so I figured I'd go to the pool while I was out.
My first stop was the bank...then over to The Center to drop something off for the Director.
Remember that garden Gary planted there a couple months ago?  (This used to be a bocce court until the sides were raised and top soil got dumped in).
Well it is producing like crazy.

When I went to say hello to Jennifer in the kitchen, there were 3 bowls of veggies that had
been picked.  Last week she roasted eggplant, peppers, onions and tomatoes....marinated them in balsamic vinaigrette, then topped it off with mozzarella cheese (melted in the oven) to the delight of all those having lunch.

Today the Lifetime Assistance trainees were working on a fresh salad.
Jennifer (house chef) does an outstanding job with her kitchen staff and they have learned a lot.
Do you see where I am going?
Almost there.

I soloed at Tina's pool.  Way too hot for me.
The heat index was up to 100 today.
 On the way home I stopped at Wegmans with my swimming suit cover up on.  It just looks like a short red dress, and I'm sure the back end was wet from sitting in the car.  I could not see going home to change my clothes first, and figured they would take my money regardless of what I was wearing.  Fortunately I did not run into too many people I know.

This afternoon I went out to the garden and pulled out all the red leaf lettuce as it was bolting.  When I took a closer look at the tomato plants....voila!  We actually had some red ones.  Our first!
 I made a real dinner.  Par boiled some organic drum sticks and drizzled on some vinegar, oil and soy sauce.  Then added mustard and let it sit for awhile.

(Another blossom appeared)
I had made croutons the other day and added them to a tomato salad along 
with onions and Greek olives (cider vinegar, olive oil, salt and pepper).
Gary grilled corn, the chicken
and a fresh pineapple that needed to be used.
Every thing was delish.  But, don't serve this tomato salad with pineapple...the tastes don't blend.
Better to use it for dessert.
It is supposed to be in the low 80s tomorrow morning going up to the 90s...can't wait!  Yuck.
After that we should have a slight the 80s for a week.
Night all.
Bring on some rain!  This afternoon it poured in Brockport and we did not get a single drop.


  1. Good to be able to catch up on your news. Thanks also for letting me know about Sage. You know as well as I do, that you never know what's around the corner when you have your heart open!

    The produce is really beautiful, and the pool looks so inviting, and perfect for the heat we are also having. Stay cool, and enjoy your weekend!


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