Thursday, August 11, 2016

98 Degrees Down The Road....

The 90+ degree marathon continues.

 After chores I grabbed a quick shower and was down at the Town Hall by 9:15 for a meeting with the department heads.
Our Town Clerk just got back from vacation and someone left this "hat" on her chair.  She modeled it for me, but don't get the wrong idea!  She does a great job and serves our community very well!
Not only that, she has a great sense of humor!
 I had put my swimming suit and towel in the car when I left home, knowing that I would need a cool down from the extreme heat and humidity.  Called my most game friend (Judy) and she was up for going to the pool. 

 She brought us lunch and we stood in the pool
 while we ate it.
 Tabby kept us company.
 I got back to the farm around 2:45 and felt so sorry for the horses.  I was cooled down and they had to be hot.

 At 6:15 I headed back to Brockport for Summer Serenades.

It was so steamy the band was moved to Java Junction.  Very fortunate to have this facility
 as a back up.  Thank you Pete and Bobbie.
 The featured band was the Geezers.
You have met them a couple of times in the past at The Beale in Rochester.

 You may recognize the man on the left...that's Doug G. He plays the bass at our Sunday Jams.
The lead guitarist is Jeff Love.  We have known him since the late 60s when we played guitars and sang folk songs at a coffee house called the Crypt.
I love his style...kind of like Willie.

 A large and very appreciative crowd.
 There is something very different about this's the addition of the trombone and clarinet.
Not part of the mix in most bands and the Geezers sure know how to make it work.
Such a strong yet sweet sound.

 A woman was in the audience...standing next to her pup who was sacked out on a blanket.
Such a sweetheart.

 Our good friends, the Botts, were there.  Daughter Kristin and family are visiting from California.
Always good to see them.  Last year at this time we were over at the Welcome Center dancing to 
Big Mike and the Motivators.

Here's the bad news...the temperature may not go below 80 tonight!
I'm so glad Gary put an air conditioner in our bedroom window.
Over and out.
Night all.

1 comment:

  1. Too hot! Here too in the 90's with no end in sight. Then it rains and makes it steamiest if that's possible. Glad you hot that air conditioner in the bedroom it makes a big difference.


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