Friday, May 27, 2016

The Heat Is On

...and it zaps my energy.

 Now that the plexiglass is off the barn windows, I love it when Berlin greets me each morning.

 After chores I took a quick shower and had a 9 o'clock breakfast meeting at the Golden Eagle.
That meant I did not get to Agape until 10:45.
On Monday and Wednesday I did not go on the treadmill as my good knee was bugging me.
Today I gave it a  shot for just a few minutes and so far so good.
It was muggy and in the 80s this afternoon.
The only thing I managed to do was clean up and organize the back porch.
Tomorrow we will have to attack the lawn and Elliott is coming back to help in the gardens.
I am ready to eliminate at least 5 of them.  They are out of control.
 A fresh salad and
 leftover pasta for dinner.
Once again we binged on more episodes of "Graceland."
Tomorrow I am going to get some fans cleaned up and ready
so we can keep this house cool.
Night all.


  1. Gardens can really get out of hand quickly! I have only two and a half...shade garden, veggie/flower garden, and then mailbox garden shared with my neighbor.
    It is super muggy and damp here today.
    The farrier will be arriving to work on muddy creatures!


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