Saturday, May 28, 2016

Sweatin' With The Oldies.....ha ha

Too hot too soon.

At 11, Mary and I went over to the Vets Club in Brockport, where we met up with Musey and Rob (Town Board) and all the members of the Village Board.  Our village residents voted no to dissolution and this is one very happy group of people.  It's just the beginning of good things to come as we work together for this community (so I had to have someone take our picture).

Today there was a ceremony for Veteran's Day, followed by a chicken BBQ and we were all there to support the event.

The High School Band performed at the end of the program.

 The young man below won an essay contest, writing about Wounded Warriors.

Musey, who is the President of the Vet's Club, did a great job putting this together.

 Elliot was at the farm working on the gardens with Gary for the second Saturday in a row.  An enormous undertaking!!!!  I brought them the BBQ chicken for lunch.

I went out to mow and it was so hot I only did half of the lawn before going inside to cool off.  This humidity does not do it for me!

 Finished the lawn at 4:30 and took another break before doing chores.
The inside of the barn was almost 80 degrees and I felt sorry for the girls.

 Seeing that lunch was was every man for himself tonight.
During the summer I like to keep a bowl of watermelon/cantaloupe/grapes in the frig for breakfast, lunch and snacks.  So refreshing and this will be a regular on our menu.
 Gary had cereal and the above....
I had a wrap.
 Sun tea is going to be my drink of choice.  It sure tasted good today.
Time to go turn off the fan in the barn.
Night all.


  1. It is way too hot too soon! Was 92 here today and very humid. This is when I miss living on Long Island, Being near the water made it a little cooler. Your fruit salad looks delicious.


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