Friday, April 1, 2016

"In The Still Of The Night"

A so-so start to the morning.  At least it was not raining.
 I put the hay in the back pasture so the girls would not have to stand in the mud.
 It saddens me to see flowers blooming when we are going to be back in the 20s.

After chores I went to Agape.
 20 minutes/elliptical, 20 minutes/treadmill/20 minutes bike.
It's definitely starting to pay off.

Home for a shower and lunch, then back down to the village for a final color consult with
Mary and Danielle (both are on the Town Board with me).  The contractors are going to start painting The (Senior) Center on the 15th so we needed to get our acts together.  Currently it has decades old wall paper in several of the rooms and we are trying to warm up the place.  We want it to have the look of a lodge on the canal.

The room below needs the most help.  Can't wait to show it to you when everything is finished.
Then.....I joined 3 friends as we are thinking of starting a group that sings Doo Wop and other kinds of music.  Who knows, maybe we can even get some men involved.  Just for fun.  And we did have fun skipping through all kinds of music today.
What a riot!  We sang everything from "The Chapel of Love" to "Amazing Grace."
"Wild Horses", "Sincerely", "Imagine", "In the Still of the Night"  and more.
Singing is so good for you.
 Pretty dull looking when I got back to the farm.

 Gucci and Phoebe were happy to run around for awhile.

 I could not ask for sweeter pups.
 They love the barn, the cats and horses, going for rides in the car and think that going on a leash is special!
How crazy is that?

 Gary had an all day board workshop and didn't get home until 6:30.
He had leftover pizza and I had eggs and toast.  No pictures.
A good night for a fire, as the temperature is really dropping.
Snow is on the way.
Night all.


  1. It's hard to believe that it might snow Sunday. It was 74 here today but rainy off and on. I hope the flowers make it.

    Love the pooches they are so sweet. You would have a blast singing DooWap! Wish I had a voice but the last time I sang it took the dog months to grow the hair back. That's how bad I sound!

  2. You're right, singing is so good for you and your helping to redo rooms at the senior center will be good for all who come there!

    Stay warm, and have a good weekend!

  3. I can't sing worth a hoot but sometimes I will sing to my mule when I ride, she doesn't mind as her bray is more coarse than my singing.
    Morris thinks the leash is a special deal too. He runs to me if I click the snap.


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