Thursday, March 31, 2016

Mud City

Great!  It was raining when I went out to the barn.
 I had all the hay set up under the shed roof and they preferred being out in the paddock.
Apparently Berlin and Angel were inspired to roll in the muckiest spot in the entire area.
They did not care if it was raining....or not.

At 9:45 I was down at Jenny's with Cooper and it was just sprinkling.
By 3:15, Maggie and Angel were under the shed roof (nice and dry) while Berlin and Abbe were out getting drenched.  Maggie just loves to intimidate them.
I gave up and put them in early.

Ben arrived around 4:30 to reset the shoes on Karen's horses so Abbe and Berlin went back outside for a couple of hours as it had finally quit raining.

No cooking tonight.
Sauteed some onions and threw them on a Wegman's cheese pizza.
Exactly what I wanted.
Naturally, the sun made an appearance just before dark.

Night all.

We were in the 60s today and by the weekend we are going back to winter.

1 comment:

  1. It rained here the other night about an inch and a half. My equine loved the mud it produced and are stiff with mud. It is very slimy and sloppy out and this morning we have snow and high winds.
    Everyone has their butts to the wind and are dozing.


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