Wednesday, March 16, 2016


We had a little of everything in the weather department today.
 It rained last night and there was fog this morning.

I was a little late getting down to Agape.
17 Minutes on the elliptical/ 21 minutes on the bike/ 12 minutes on the treadmill.
Just before 2pm we had thunder, lightning and a downpour that had the girls running around.
 They all managed to get under the shed roof, but that never works when Maggie starts moving them they were put in their stalls.
 More color is starting to appear in the gardens and we shall see what happens if we really get snow in a couple of days.

 Phoebe and Gucci spent the afternoon snoozing.
 By late afternoon the sun appeared and the sky was wild looking.

 Karen turned the horses out and set up the evening feed.  I did not put them in until 6:45.

 You know who this is....

 Around 7, it looked like this to the west....
 and like this to the east.

 It seems that no matter what the day is like, by 5pm we get the best sun.

Night all.


  1. It was a mix bag of weather, but I've so enjoyed your photos! I hope the snow doesn't come, and it's full steam ahead to spring for both of us!

  2. Rarely do we have thunder here but if we do mom turns the TV so loud we get deaf
    Snorts and a woof,
    Lily & Edward


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