Thursday, March 24, 2016

Freezing Rain...

About last night....around 8 Gary and I split a chicken salad and a cup of borscht.  We had money left on our gift certificate (Edibles....yesterday) so we go it to go.
Some of the best chicken salad I have ever had (with dried cherries in it).
 As for this morning!  Freezing rain.  There was a glaze on the steps so I was very careful going out for chores.
I did not know if the girls were going to be out for a short time while the stalls were cleaned, or if they would have to go back in because of the rain.  Chanced it and hung a lot of hay nets under the overhang.
Fortunately it stopped and they were able to stay out.

 Of course they had to go out back to see if there was any activity.
 The heavy equipment was there....but nothing was happening...
no beeping every time they backed up.

 Weird.  An hour from here the temperature went up to 71 degrees today
and they even had some sun.

 After lunch I ran some errands and picked up a load of groceries at Wegmans.
By the time I got home and put everything away it was time to get dinner ready.
Veggie burgers and coleslaw.
 We ate early as I attended a neighborhood meeting in Brockport at 6.
 By then it was very foggy
Going to crawl into bed early.
Night all.


  1. Yum, cherries in salad sounds great! We had freezing rain too and I got to have the day off from work :)

  2. It sure looks cold in those pictures! We've had mild weather this week with highs in the low 60s. Tacos for dinner at our place.


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