Sunday, March 13, 2016

Chef Ellen!

 At 7:15 (really 6:15) it looked like this.

 By 8 we were surrounded by grey.
 No sheets or blankets on the was only in the mid 40s with a little wind off and on.

 After chores I tuned in to some of the Sunday Morning political shows, got cleaned up and at 12:30 we headed out to Hamlin for the grand finale of finales at the Klein household.  They have been having Saint Patrick's Day parties for over a decade and this was to be the last.  (We shall see about that).  Usually they have had themes and we all brought a dish to pass.  This time it was different.  When we arrived their dining room table looked like this.
 We were immediately introduced to Chef Ellen, who was there to prepare our lunch.
She had quite a story to tell.  After retiring from 20 year careers in the Air Force, she and her
husband moved to Rochester (he had a new job) where she ended up looking for a new career.
She had spent time in a culinary school and finished up here where
she started her own company called Red Hot Dish ( Somehow the 
Food Network show "Chopped" found her and she was invited to participate last April (it was aired in November).  Quite an experience.  I really enjoyed her stories.

 The man in the middle is Ron, our host.  You have met him many times at our monthly dinners.
 From scratch, Ellen prepared minestrone soup, a winter salad 
and turkey/cheddar/apple grilled sandwiches.
 We had a chance to catch up with Brenda and Al out on the porch.
 This is our hostess - Anne.

 I had to get the recipe for Ellen's salad dressing...a maple syrup vinaigrette.
(balsamic vinegar, olive oil, salt, pepper, spicy mustard, maple syrup)
It will be my new favorite.

 Everything was delicious and it sure was a unique way to have a party.

 Home by 4:30 and Gary started a nice fire for me.
 I put the girls in at 6:30.  It's going to take a few days to adjust to the time change.

 So amazing, how much impact light can have on us.
Very different when there is no wild sunset.
Night all.


  1. Yummy, I love the look of the soup! I am sad the mornings will be darker again but the lighter evenings will be lovely :)

  2. It takes time to get used to the time change but I like it lighter longer. Beautiful morning skies. The party looks like fun and the food delicious!


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