Saturday, March 12, 2016

64 After An Amazing Start To The Day...

It started out with a heavy frost.



Quite a change before the sun returned.

The girls were naked by 8:30 and within minutes........
 Abbe wanted to make sure she was still in the running for the Miss Piggy contest.

 It was catchy.

 After chores, Karen, Sidney and I walked over to one of the gardens.
The garlic is over 6 inches high and the rhubarb is starting to show.

 I had to go to Wegmans for a few items and met Sally and Judy at Java around noon for a salad.
 Gary and Randy were in Rochester at a huge antique show until after 3.
 I saw a recipe on FB for some pork chops this afternoon and decided to give it a try.
They were excellent...very tender and surrounded by apples and onions.
  Corn salad...
 and roasted sweet potatoes
 turned this into a delicious dinner.
 Went out to tuck the girls in a 6.

 Scraped off a layer of mud and will attempt to finish off what I started in the morning.
We are really being spoiled by this weather.  
Night all.


  1. White horses and mud!! It was such a beautiful day, I went for a lovely walk with the dog and the crocuses are out and it was lovely - it is definitely spring!

  2. Same here with the weather. Abbé is not only in the running for the Miss Piggy crown, she is definitely the winner! What a mess she can get herself into.

  3. Looks like a lovely, muddy day!


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