Thursday, October 15, 2015

We Are Headed For Some Bad Weather!

The morning started off nice enough.

 Fed, cleaned stalls and added some new bedding.  
Soaked pellets seem to give the girls the best bed.

 After chores I picked all the peppers as a frost is on the way...probably by Saturday.

 Company for dinner tonight.  Our good friend Deb T. is moving in two weeks and we wanted to make sure we had one last meal together before she leaves Brockport.

 Set the table and marinated some pork before heading out with Mary to knock on some doors.

Rarely does a day go by when we are not doing this. 
Have you met my running mates?
Ironically, it's three women running against 3 men.

Deb, her daughter Clair and family friend Jadda arrived at 6.
 I made a very different (for most) dinner.
Homemade lomain and a stirfry.
Pork, onions, carrots, peppers, cabbage, roasted red peppers and bean sprouts covered with a sweet and sour sauce.  Here's the crazy part...I served it with bananas (my favorite with Chinese) and fresh cranberry orange relish.  Weird but delicious..
 Jadda made Tiramisu.

 Off the charts!

 While we were eating dinner, the wind was wild and we had thunder and lightning.
 Jenny stopped to pick up some of the leftover dessert and informed us that we had a branch down in the driveway.  Actually, it was several big branches from the maple tree next to the picket fence.  Clean up tomorrow.
Time to rest.
Night all.


  1. Sleep sweet!

    My daughter and I got the last of the tomatoes and peppers out of the garden last night; we're expecting a hard frost here tonight.

  2. We've had nasty winds here but no rain....blowing our leaves all away!

  3. Thank you for sharing my dear your beautiful fall pictures and all. . Take care of you. Have a nice weekend.


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