Friday, October 16, 2015

My Blue Heaven....

With raindrops in between.

 Berlin is a very patient girl while waiting for her breakfast.
 Before I turned the horses out, the sky was quite amazing...
from then on, it kept changing.

 When Gary got back from Java, he started working on the humungo branch (size of a tree)
that fell into the yard last night.

 It took him about 3 hours to cut it up and
 move it.
 I was not feeling all that great...plugged up head.  So I stayed in my barn clothes and the dogs and I delivered signs to various neighborhoods.  No door to door today.
More crazy weather.  On the way home it was raining in Brockport with no rain at the farm.
 By the time I went out to the barn it was pouring.
As soon as I tucked the girls in....the sun came out.

 And look at what happened to the sky on my way back to the house!

 We are headed for a weekend with possible snow.  
Who knows how long these flowers will be around?

Night all.


  1. Whoaa! Those friend artists need to paint those flowers
    Lily & Edward

  2. Rained her this morning too. Then sun. But it is getting very cold now. I hope you don't get snow that would be just way too early to start with that nonsense. Feel better. Try to take a rest.


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