Friday, October 23, 2015

Getting Ready...

 Another beautiful morning.

 Right after chores the pups and I made a sign delivery out in the country...
 so much yellow everywhere.
 This afternoon I met Annie and Mary down at the Farmer's Museum
 as we are having a rally there on Sunday afternoon.
 There is a beautiful barn on the property....that's where we will be.
 In spite of the ridiculous campaign our opponents are waging, we are energized
and ready to roll.  Looks like we are going to have a good turnout.

Tonight we went out to dinner with some friends

 at the Deerfield Country Club.

 They have done an extensive remodeling job inside and out
 and the course is very impressive.

 Love the space.
 I had chicken French and everyone else
 had fish frys.
A fun evening.
Night all.


  1. Love the walkway with huge stones at the edge, looks like yummy food too.

  2. The chicken looks lovely. This time of year is so beautiful!


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