Sunday, September 27, 2015

The Campaign for Change Fundraiser

There was so much dew this morning Karen and I had to wipe down all the tables and chairs we set up yesterday.  Then, we put on the table clothes and jars of flowers.

 At 9:45 I met Mary and Annie down at the market to do a little schmoozing.
While we were there, one of the women working the Brockport Ambulance booth came up to us for a big hug and thank you for supporting them.  Hopefully they will get their contract back after decades of serving this community with great success.
 From the time I got home until chores were finished, I was on my feet doing something to get ready.  A little after 12, Mary's husband Adam arrived at the farm with all kinds of food...ready to put together our goodies.  He is a pro at this.
 I finished up several other jobs and a little before two I had taken a shower and was ready for the party to start.

 Linda, one of our team members, helped out with veggies.
 Adam had gone to a very nice Italian deli and picked up 4 different cheeses, pepperoni and salami, olives, roasted red peppers, pickles, lemons, limes and toothpicks.
 We also had apples with gorgonzola....

 grapes, nuts and sweets.
 I forgot to photograph the drinks....cider (made at a local farm-Robb's), lemonade, citrus flavored water....and coffee.
By the time we got everything out to the wagon, people had started to arrive.  Mary's kids were in charge of parking and made sure everyone made it back to the outdoor arena.

 This is our friend Jackie...she worked with Gary on Summer Serenades and retired from the dance department at the college.  I have nominated her to become our new poster girl!

Over 100 people were on the scene.

 Miles Watts (you've seen him at Summer Serenades)
 and his daughter Ronnie....provided the entertainment.
Just right.
Jenny and Hanny (my personal advisors) used to work together for Congressman John LaFalce and they can often been found at political gatherings.

 Do you know who Louise Slaughter is?  She is a Congresswoman for our district and has been doing great work in Washington for decades.  We invited her to our event and were more than pleased when she responded.  She arrived around two and made sure she had a chance to speak to everyone.
 We were thrilled and always love watching her mingle.  What a pro.
 I can't think of anyone who has done more for the Rochester area.
So impressed with how much she knew about us and our Town.  Last winter she was at an event for Jenny's boss, Assemblyman Harry Bronson (that we attended) and we've also been at several other functions with her.  She never ceases to amaze me.
 The man in this photo is Kevin M.  He is part of our team and has worked very hard putting up our signs, helping us with logistics for this event and do anything that needs to be done.

  Eventually, I welcomed everyone to the farm and told them why I was running for office.
Mary and Annie did the same.

 Then we heard from County Executive candidate, Sandra Frankel (when Umoja drummed for the Pink Ribbon Run a few months ago, she sat in with us for half an hour an loved it)...


 and finally, Maritza Buitrago, who is running for Family Court Judge.
 The Campaign for Change team could not be more pleased with the success of this event.
A big thank you to all who worked on this event, contributed funds and participated.  It could not have been better!
Night all.
Mary, Annie and I are ready to get into high gear.


  1. Looks like a fabulous event! The weather seemed to be perfect! Job well done. I think having the event at your farm is just perfect.

  2. What a full, fun and very eventful day -- It wore me out just looking at all you did!! Very, very well done, now rest up--Do you do that? ;-)

  3. Looks like you all had a very successful event. I'm sure you got everyone's vote!


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