Monday, June 1, 2015

I'm Building an Ark

June 1st and the second full day of rain.  40 degrees colder than Saturday.
The horses were not interested in staying in all day so we decided to put on blankets (never did that before at this time of the year) and let them go outside.  Did not want any of them to get the shakes or have any colic problems.  These huge temperature changes are not good.

 So, the misty photos.

 At 10am sharp, a service man came to change the filters in our reverse osmosis system.  After this, Gary will change them himself.  We have had one full year of incredibly fine water.

 Gary and I met our friends Randy and Arlene for lunch and when we got back to the farm, made some leek and potato soup.

 Defrosted some of our raspberries and blueberries for a pie.

 In the meantime, I turned the horses back out for a couple of hours and noticed this huge bird sitting on the fence surrounding our flooded outdoor arena.

 We had a very simple dinner.  Leek and potato soup, fruit and some outrageous rhubarb bread made by our friend, Sara Cook.  Her husband delivered it and I sent him home with some spinach.
 Tucked the girls in early as I had a 7pm meeting in Brockport.

Night all.


  1. Still raining here too. Actually had to put the heat on last night. The pie looks delicious.

  2. Where are your raincoats furry kids? Even the horsies have them
    Lily & Edward


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