Tuesday, June 2, 2015


 Cold and windy....had to hold off on removing the blankets.

 After chores I picked a few strawberries and took a bowl full out to class.

 Tomorrow Shamra is going to set up a show at the Parma Library (where Len had his show).
  We will all go out to lunch and see it in two weeks.

No lemonade today.  Had the heater on and a pot of hot tea.

 The sun finally came out and I removed all the blankets.

 Rolling was in order.

 Had a 3pm appointment with my Doctor to check out my wrist (where I had the puncture wound).  It' been over 4 weeks and it is still draining through a hole the size of a pin head.  On Thursday I will find out if I need more antibiotics.
 I went out to do chores at 7:30 after we ate dinner.  Gary brought home a couple of picnic plates from an event he attended so I did not have to cook.
The roses are at their best now.

 How about that outdoor arena that looked so beautiful last week?
It never fails.
 A beautiful sunset, and I can hardly keep my eyes open.

Night all.


  1. Amazing we've had 91° already and last night the woodstove was cranking. Strange.

  2. No wonder you're tired you do a lot to fill your day, every day! Yellow roses are my favorite. They're gorgeous.


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