Saturday, June 27, 2015

Cold Enough For Daniela To Make Hot Chocolate....

Grey, damp, windy, rainy.....

 Daniela wanted something warm to drink on this late June morning.
 Ariana hung out at the farm and Daniela joined us for an outing with our new friends from the Lady J.  We picked them up at 11:30 and by then it was pouring.
We took them to the Farmer's Table in Hamlin.  Just a nice, newly opened townie joint with outstanding food provided by local farmers.

 After we finished eating and chatting, we took a short drive out to Lake Ontario.  Unfortunately it did not look it's usual, beautiful self.  I totally intend to stay in touch with Jana and her blog so I can experience their journey.  Sure hope we will see them again.

On the way home we stopped at Wegmans for another major load of groceries.  Tomorrow our daughter Stephanie (Mother of Ariana and Daniela) will be joining us for a couple of days.  Really looking forward to it.

By 2:30 I took pity on the horses and went out to put them in for the rest of the afternoon.  Abbe and Berlin liked the idea while Angel and Maggie did not (they kept running away from the barn)!  I finally gave up and decided they could stay under the shed roof or go in the indoor.  Angel was really favoring her right hind, so Karen came out to check on her (just as I got them in the barn after 5pm).  We picked the stalls and run-in, reset Abbe and Berlin's stalls, then she finished with the night feeding...thank-you very much!

 It is still pouring and blowing like the high 50s and taking a dive.
Eggs and toast for dinner.
Night all.


  1. Looks so wet, memories of our recent deluge here. Lovely day lilies, and enjoy family visits.

  2. I just love the horsey tongue! And your farm looks so lush. We're enjoying our new puppy so much.

  3. It was so cool here on Saturday that I made hot cocoa too :-D. Loving it!


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