Tuesday, May 5, 2015


 A little chilly this morning, so I turned on the heater in the Studio before going out to do chores.

 As soon as I finished cleaning and setting up the stalls, made a quick trip down to Wegmans.
All the trees are loaded with beautiful white blossoms.
 Class at 10:30.
Donna made prints of her artwork and is going to place them in a blank book...like a little portfolio.

 The neighbors all know when I am having class.

 This afternoon they started putting "fertilizer" on almost 100 acres of winter wheat surrounding our property.

 While I was mowing the outdoor arena and the lane, took a few shots of the girls.
 Everyday....more flowers.

 Tonight we went over to Brenda and Al's for our monthly dinner.
Over her mantel was this new painting.....of Abbe!
Brenda looks at my blog regularly and has my permission to use any of my photographs.  I have already posted the four pictures below and was very excited to see the watercolor versions.
 She also had painted Angel and Maggie.
 Shamra's chickens...
 and Seymour looking out the window in Gary's barn.
 She loves cows
 and is painting everyday.
 This was her first painting of Abbe and she was not happy with the colors.
 This is the second painting.  I wish my shots were clearer, as they are both beautiful!

Once again, we had an excellent dinner.
I made a salad with pears, apples, craisins, onion, caramelized walnuts and crumbly blue.
 Brenda made stuffed chicken
 long grain rice with spinach and cheese
 and rolls.

 Ann made a gluten free chocolate cake (with rice flour) topped with raspberries and whipped cream.  We covered the waterfront with our conversations.  Good time.

 Look at what I came home with!!!!!  Brenda gave it to me.
Night all.


  1. A gift that comes from her hands and heart. Beautiful.

  2. Beautiful painting of Abbé. I like them both. She did a wonderful job.

  3. Oh my, that painting of Abbe is just beautiful - what a treasure!! All your student's drawings are lovely, but I just love the one with the geraniums and the window box!! Love that one!! That would be beautiful in my house, I know just the spot in my kitchen nook...and oh my, the dinner looks amazing! Now I'm hungry!!!

  4. Your friend's art work is really something special - and love the new header!

  5. Love seeing all you do in a day again!

  6. I'm locked out of my blog. ..but doing Phone visit🐴


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