Friday, March 20, 2015

Spring Fever....

 A mildish morning.
 Karen and I did some serious pasture picking.

 The pastures are looking pretty good considering the winter we had.

 Sidney loves hiding in the hay.

 After chores I went to Agape and put some time in on the bike and the elliptical.  Time passed fairly quickly as I had my Kindle with me.
 This afternoon I started watching a new series.  "Bloodlines."
The story line is interesting, but they drop f-bombs every other minute.  A bit overdone, I'd say.

The sun came out late afternoon and the temperature was a little over 40.  More melting.  Jenny and Scott stopped up and we decided to go out to dinner after chores.  First, Cooper had to go the middle school for a weigh in.  He is in a wrestling tournament tomorrow.

 Maggie and Angel were covered with mud.

 The "pond" in the back pasture receded even more today.
 Tucked the girls in around 6:30.

 We decided to go to the Mill House and in addition to eating, spent a long time discussing if we were like our parents.  Lots of laughs and good food.
Night all.


  1. Looks like a nice day. Glad you're melting. It's still snowing here. Got about 6-7 inches so far. This is ridiculous!

  2. Looks like quite a job to keep their blankets clean! Our mules are covered in dust and dirt right now and next week looks like snow and rain mixed up! Muddy critters for sure.
    They are itchy and need a good currying!
    Looks like spring is making its way there!


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