Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Better Than I expected...

 Another golden sunrise....
 followed by brilliant sunshine and very high winds.
 The temperature was in the mid teens, but it was so cold the horses

 actually chose to go in the indoor for some hay.

 It was blowing like crazy in the back 40.

 And that was all by 8:30.
 Chorus at 10.  It was a fine rehearsal...we are catching on.
 At 11:30 Judy and I picked up Sally, who was treating us to lunch at the Bad Apple.
 We headed toward Spencerport on Canal Road.
 Started off with a taste of pepper soup (split a bowl).
 I had a pork sandwich topped with apple slaw,
 Sally had a steak sandwich,
 and Judy had a salmon BLT.
 Home around 2:45.
 Four humungous amaryllis blossoms have now appeared with more on the way.

 The wind slowed down a bit and the afternoon sun filled up the living room and library.
 Seymour and Sid were hangin'.

 The library faces the road, and the windows are filthy from the debris thrown out by the plows.  But, the sunset was a beauty.
 Put the horses in a little before 6.  Soon it is going to be light even later.

 By the time chores were finished, it was nearly dark.

 I offered to buy dinner so I would not have to make it.  Went down to the Golden Eagle for two orders of chicken souvlaki.  Many friends also had the same idea.
 Now, if I can just stay awake to watch Nashville.
Night all.


  1. Not too bad here today. Not windy at all and sunny. Love your flowers. They bring some nice color into the snowy all white days.

  2. Is it spring yet? I have my head buried in a snowbank....cold again this morning. Hug B

  3. We had those nasty winds. I looked out yesterday morning and saw the donkeys and mules moving into the lower woods as the winds began to roar and blow on the ridge.
    Thank goodness we live 150 ft below the ridge tops. We avoid the worst of the winds.

    Did your pipes thaw yet?


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