Tuesday, February 17, 2015

A Heatwave of Sorts....

 When I took these sunrise shots it was -11 degrees.

 But no wind and the sun was going to be a big help again.  Generally it takes me an hour or less to do morning chores and Karen is always here taking care of Angel and Maggie. Once again two pair of gloves did not cut it...I need a pair of very thick mittens.

Class today.
I am really looking forward to getting back out to the studio...right now there isn't even a path to get there.  Just deep snow.
 Gucci loves to watch what is going on and whenever I leave my chair she sits on it so she has a better view of the activity.
 We talked about food and restaurants for an hour and a half and all were starving by noon.

 This is Shamra the egg lady.  Her chickens have started producing an abundance of eggs and she is supplying me with a couple dozen every week.  I am going to barter for veggies as soon as we get our gardens going.  Can't beat fresh, organic eggs from chickens who are very well taken care of.
Love those orange yolks.

 After they left, Phoebe, Gucci, Sidney and I just relaxed by the fire.

 The girls were tucked in at 5:30 after being able to experience a high of 21 degrees.

 Another simple dinner.
 Chicken soup with Wasa Crackers and a salad made with romaine, carrots, red onion, cheese and hard boiled eggs....topped with homemade Russian dressing.  All good.
 I'm going to keep taking pictures of my flower arrangement until it disappears.
Does anyone out there really think spring will appear in 31 days?
Night all.


  1. Spectacular banner photo and others w/that golden light and deep snow . . . beautiful.

  2. I live in Hope... it's a rapidly failing, hardscrabble, kinda place right now.

    Beautiful photos of the golden hour. =)

  3. You really captured a beautiful sunrise!

  4. Is that an old basketball hoop on the barn? Do the girls play?

  5. I've got my fingers crossed for Spring to come early. There's going to be some mess when all this snow melts though.

  6. Beautiful sunrise shots, it was -11 here also, and the critters moved into the sunlight and are basking in it!
    My neighbor can't keep her hands warm either and ended up with gloves that have battery operated heaters in them.

  7. Sure does make a difference with no wind. Minus 4 degrees here for morning chores but no wind made it tolerable. Good luck finding mittens for sale anywhere. I have been looking all winter. Gloves,gloves everywhere.

  8. I cannot imagine such frigid temps for so long, and that much snow! I am hoping that spring does come early for all Easterners' sake...dare I say we were a balmy 66 here yesterday? We haven't even had much snowfall in our mountains, which could result in a very dry summer. No business for the ski resorts either...your dinner looked perfect.


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