Saturday, February 7, 2015

A Celebration of Life for an Old Friend....

An ordinary start to the day.

At 1pm we went down to the Alumni House to celebrate the life of our friend Christie L.
When our kids were very small, she used to watch them while I was teaching and we have been friends ever since.  That was over 40 years ago.  She lived here in Brockport and I would frequently run into her at Summer Serenades (last summer she was doing an African dance while holding onto her sweet dog)
 and along the canal path when I was riding my trike.
She and that sweet pup walked many miles each day.
 It was so good to see her children...we are still connected, even tho they no longer live in Brockport.  Such memories.

 Her daughter Annie (now a pediatrician in Brooklyn) came up with some very sweet touches.
She had copies of Christie's hand written recipes available and I took every single one... and of course there were many pictures and statements like the one below.  So Annie.

 When these kids were little, they sure spent a lot of time together.
Annie, Adam, our Jennifer and Emily.  I'm sorry Stephanie could not be here with them as it was quite a reunion.

 Rest in peace Christie.
We will watch out for your kids and grandkids.

Around 3 Gary drove Jenny home and I decided to go over to Hartwell for the last hour of drumming and a dose of community.
Do you think the snow is piled high enough?

 Back to the farm in time to change my clothes and do chores.

No big dinner tonight.
28 degrees with a cold 7 days ahead.
Night all.


  1. I'm sure it's hard letting go of best buds. Hold those memories close forever.

  2. I love the "be kind" sign. I copied it onto FB -- hope you don't mind. Let me know if you want me to take it down and I will.

  3. Lovely words written by your friend, and a friendship as such lasts forever. A wonderful celebration, and catch-up, I hope you have some peace in your heart tonight.

  4. A wonderful celebration of your friends life. Your memories of her will keep her in your thoughts always. It was so nice to have the children reunite too.

  5. The snow looks awful high! Oh wow...
    I'm sorry for your loss, she seemed so special.
    I too love the kind sign. I must remember it each time my sister and I visit.

  6. Oh wow it sure speaks volumes. . I miss my dear friend also.

    Have peace in your soul. . You will see her in Heaven again one day.

  7. Sounds like a wonderful service for your friend.

  8. I recently lost a dear friend as well. It was very unexpected and quite a shock to all who knew her. Christie sounds like she was very special, thank you for letting us know her a little bit.

  9. I am sorry to hear this news. She sounds like a very special person. xxx


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