Friday, January 30, 2015

Lock Up!

We got a little more snow last night and this morning it was swirling and whirling in the wind.
Gary's van was stuck so the first thing we did was shovel and used my car to pull him out.  Got to the barn much later than usual.  Fortunately Karen was there to feed and turnout.

 By 10 I had cleaned all the stalls and set them up again.  With the strong winds the temperature felt like 0 and I could see no reason for the girls to stand out there all day when the inside of the barn was much more reasonable. 

 It snowed off and on for the rest of the day...

 (the wind never took a break)
 but I still had to make a quick trip to Wegmans.

 Did a little laundry and made cabbage soup for dinner.  Other than that I was a bum.
Let the horses back out before evening chores so they could stretch their legs while Karen and I picked the stalls and set them up....again....

It was the first sun siting of the day.

I can't imagine going through a winter without our wood stoves.  We primarily use the one in the kitchen and you just can't beat the way it makes you feel.

 So, cabbage soup (sweet and sour), apples, cheddar cheese and a little egg salad leftover from lunch.  Just right for this cold night.
12 degrees and falling.
Night all.


  1. Sounds like a mirror image of our day here today with the same weather. Supposed to get even colder with more snow over the weekend. I don't have a wood stove anymore but I did have a nice fire in the fireplace and read a good book in front of it. Fires feel so good on a cold day.

  2. Brrrr. We could use some snow or rain here. We've been dry and in the 60s.

  3. We've had a little snow here - first of this winter (none last winter!). Jolly cold though. Oh well - batten down the hatches and wait for warmer weather.


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