Thursday, January 29, 2015

Another Quiet Day...

Incredible color in the sky this morning.

 By the time I finished cleaning stalls,
 we were back to grey.

 Gary spent much of the day painting at The Center, then he watched Finn and Coop.
I spent the afternoon by the fire and did very little.
Had to do evening chores a little early,

 as we attended a Recognition Dinner presented by the Chamber of Commerce tonight.
 Several friends were being honored.

 It was very well attended, a good sign for this community.
Home by 9.
Night all.


  1. Gorgeous color in the sky! Have you chosen a new series on Netflix yet?

  2. Gotta love the sun rise on snow - it is so pretty!

  3. Those colors in your sunrise look anything but quiet. There's fire in that sky.


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