Monday, January 19, 2015

I Did It...

Not a bad morning.  Dull, but relatively mild.

 We raked up as much hay as possible from the indoor and I dragged it.  Very impressed that the lawn tractor (over 20 years old) started right up after all those frigid days.
 Had a 10 o'clock meeting at Pam's in Brockport, which lasted a couple of hours.
More ideas for community art.
 Here are three of her cats.
 The one in the photo below is the brother of Sidney...with very long fluffy hair.
 Spent a lazy afternoon...even Gary took time out for a nap.
Chores a little after 5.

 There was just a little light left at 5:30....I'll take it.

 Made a casserole for dinner.  Sauerkraut with noodles and a sour cream sauce topped with organic chicken/apple sausage.  Of course we had to have a salad.
 So what did I do?  I finished watching 5 seasons of "White Collar" on Netflix.
If you know what I am talking about...that's one heck of a lot of episodes.  It kept me busy for the last month while I was vegging with my cold.
 What a fun series.
Now what am I going to do?
Night all.


  1. I like that it's starting to stay lighter later in the day. I've got to drag my indoor too. Yours looks good.

  2. Watch "An Honorable Woman" or "Happy Valley"!!

  3. You could give us the recipe for the sour cream sauce, that would keep you busy for a few minutes nod make us happy!

    Xo J


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