Sunday, January 18, 2015

40 Degrees and Melting

 I was too slow to catch the pink in the sky before chores.
 The rest of the day was quite blah.

 Late morning I took a shower and headed down to Sally's to help her set up email on her Kindle.  It took awhile but we were successful.

 She took us out for a burger when we were finished.
 I have been indulging this week.  Enough.
 Took a break when I got home before tucking the girls in for the night.
When I went out, it was raining.
 Fortunately, Gary had a nice fire going when I got back in the house.
 Late lunch, no touchie dinner.
Gary's watching the Packers.  I'll bet Saint Tim is tuned in.
Time out.
Night all.


  1. Your new header and the photo of the fire were awesome today. Careful of those black cats ; )

  2. I'm glad everything is melting, however I have a feeling that we'll both have new snow in the not too distant future. But like you, I'm welcoming the warmer temps for now, and enjoying the cozy nights.


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