Thursday, November 27, 2014

Behind The Curve

No turkey here today....moved Thanksgiving to Friday when we are all able to be together.
Nothing special going on all day long...Gary and I never left the property.
(Apparently thecrazysheeplady and Saint Tim were celebrating over at Auntie Reg's place and my computer won't allow me to post a picture).
 We did get some snow last night and it never got out of the low 30s.

 Yesterday I bought tulips for the dining room table and a couple of them broke off.  They are now residing in the kitchen right under a loft light.

 They certainly brighten up the joint!
 While vegging this afternoon, I was watching PBS and on came a documentary that Roger and Tina have been recommending.  "Muscle Shoals."  Have you heard of it?  It takes place in Alabama and is about a recording studio....jam packed with amazing music.  The house musicians were on the recordings of every major player/group you can think of.  Check it out.  There was a definite thread that showed up in all the music...especially at the beginning.   Here is a short clip.

There was a very minor burst of sunshine....
 but that didn't stop my pups and I from hangin'.

 The girls were ready to get tucked in around 5.

 Then, we had our unturkey dinner.

Night all.


  1. We are celebrating tomorrow as well. Pizza for dinner tonight.

  2. Happy "Turkey Day" today Lori it is always nicer when everyone can be there. Hug B

  3. We had an un-turkey dinner also. We had our traditional Lasagna dinner!

  4. Happy new-day turkey day! A foot of white snow here makes it very cozy inside and beautiful outside. . .

  5. I always enjoy a day when I don't leave our farm. Nice to just "be" sometimes!


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