Tuesday, September 23, 2014

X Marks The Spot

 A perfectly beautiful day.
 Organic Greek yogurt, a peach from our tree and granola...yummy breakfast.
 Class at 10:30

 I love this shot.  Three of my students were picking spinach at the same time.
We love sharing our veggies.

 After lunch I mowed the lawn....Gary went down to watch Finn and Coop when they got home from school.

 Spread some shavings in the stalls....

 We had a quick dinner of leftovers....Karen did chores.
 and I went down to the Town Hall for a board meeting.  The supervisor is coming to our meeting tomorrow night and I wanted to see if any board members were going to join him.  Doesn't look like it, but we gave them a 2 page handout.  Hanny put together a summary of what we have learned and are thinking about...it's loaded with great ideas.   That way, they will have a heads up before the meeting.  We are doing are best to be positive and cooperative....I hope they will hear us out.  Our committee is made up of exceptional, community minded people and I would love to have our efforts pay off.  Should have some media there to write about or record the event....lots of people would be nice!
Night all.


  1. Wow, it's still so green there.
    I sure hope all of your hard work pays off for the Senior Center.

  2. Love the X marks the spot.nso unusual

    Hope it works out for the senior center. You've done lots of work to help.

  3. Look at that well tended farm . . . wow!


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