Friday, September 5, 2014

Too Hot for Me and the Ponies

  No trike energy.
 I knuckled under and bought an iPhone, then I went to a History Club meeting.

 Dragged myself out to the barn and tucked in the girls.  Have to go back out and turn off the fan, now that it is starting to cool off.  That should be it for the low 90s.  A cool week is coming up.

 A very simple dinner.
 So nice to have our own corn, tomatoes, onions and cukes.

Too pooped to participate.
Night all.


  1. Lovely skies, super meals, girls all OK, cooler days are coming, let those veges grow a little more before the cold arrives, home grown is the very best.Sleep well, that's enough words for you today. Hugs, Jean. p.s. a little pooped down here too, it must be contagious!!!

  2. It was hot here today as well. We dragged through chores and then I had to sit on the porch for awhile with a tall glass of ice water before starting dinner. We have a warm weekend on tap -- lucky you to have cooler weather in the forecast.

  3. We'll long for these humid days come February. Life is strange.

  4. The weather is nutty and that's all there is to it
    Lily & Edward


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