Friday, September 26, 2014

Issues and Answers

 Looks hot, but it was freezing this morning.  In the 40s.

 After chores I spent hours and hours working on Senior Center business.
  If all goes well, WROC TV will be paying us a visit tomorrow to do a story on the latest happenings.  I was pleasantly surprised when they called to set up the appointment.  We need all the publicity and support we can get.  I've said it a gazillion times....the seniors make up more than 20% of the population.  They are among the most active people in our town...volunteering at the Welcome Center, the Food Shelf, in fundraising and all sorts of community service.  They support the historical society, back pack programs for children in our school system (food), and much more.  They have payed taxes for decades.  It is a well known fact that great benefits are derived from activity.  All we want is a piece of the pie.  We truly want to work with the Town Board...there is something to be said for cooperation and it really makes a difference.  I could go on and on, but will spare you...
Let's hope we don't get thrown under the bus.

By this afternoon it warmed up and I decided to take a shower and go down to the village.  Left my trike at Sally's and thought we would be going for a ride on the Canal this morning.  That didn't pan out so I took a little trip on my own to the North East section of the village.  Love crusin'.
 Yep, that corn is across the street from a nice little neighborhood (not near our farm).
 I turned right here, onto East Avenue and planned on riding to Judy's house, but the traffic was crazy and the sidewalk ended.  So instead, I rode over to Mission Hill Road
 and stopped in to see Brenda and Al....(you know them...he's the carver and she's the painter).

 We will be having our monthly dinner on Sunday, which is Gary's birthday.
After much conversation, I decided I had better get going.

 Made it back to Sally's where I had parked my car.  It was almost 5pm.  Yikes!
It's a real pain to load the trike in the back of my Escape, but I can still do it.
 Leftovers for dinner.
 This is what it looks like when Gary is breaking the heads of garlic into cloves for planting.  I wonder how many days that's going to sit there.....

 Tucked the girls in at 7.  Boy it's getting dark early.

 Night all.


  1. I can see plans for a tiny wee trailer to load the bike on, easier than heaving it into the wagon, and Pickleball, had to look up in Google, what a great game. Garlic by the bucket or trailer load full. Gary is going to be mighty busy. Cheers,Jean.

  2. I, too, had to Google Pickleball! I'm so glad the seniors will get TV exposure. I look forward to seeing how it all went. Have a great weekend. Jo

  3. We are having those cool mornings too!

  4. I'd never heard of Pickleball either. Looks like you're getting the exposure you need to keep things. Moving forward. Good luck.

  5. Gonna be a warm weekend in these parts. Relax and do close to nuttin or chores? A big decision. Now, where's that hammock?

  6. DEar Lori, did your friend--the carver whom you visited--carve the owl on the tree stump? It's quite lovely.

    I do so hope your organization gets recognition and some funding. You're right about seniors and all that they do for the community. I became very aware of this when I was an election judge for 10 years in Stillwater, Minnesota. Almost all the judges were retired. They had the time to do this important civic duty. Peace.

  7. I'm with you on the Senior Center issue. Glad to hear about the tv coverage.


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