Saturday, September 27, 2014

Come Go With Me (remember that song by the Del Vikings?)

 About 50 this morning.  Another perfect day on tap.
 After chores Karen and I went on a treasure hunt in our loft to find her some goodies for her new apartment.  Also filled up 4 garbage cans with just that.  We have a dumpster full of junk up there.

Had just enough time to grab a shower before going down to the Senior Center for our interview with Channel 8 News.  Karen helped me fill the car with folding chairs and a card table so we would have a place to sit.
To warm things up I brought along a table cloth and a few posies.
We met in the gazebo....a perfect spot.

Kevin, from WROC arrived a little late, but did a great job.

 He was there for over an hour and a half and was very pleased with what we had to say.
We thought it would be on the news tonight (I'm sure there was a ton of editing to be done) but it will be on tomorrow instead.  If the football game does not run too late it will be on at 6pm with a longer bit at 11.  I wish you could have heard everything that was said...we all learned a lot more about why keeping this center is so important.  As of today, the Town Supervisor had not been interviewed. 
We also had a letter to the editor in the Suburban News as well as an article.

I sure hope the town has not made a deal with a buyer without considering our recommendations.

When I was leaving the meeting, the President of the Senior Association told me that there was an open house at the new MAJOR horse facility that was built across the street from his house.  Of course I could not resist stopping there on the way home.
What a place!!!!!
 Huge stalls with mats and dutch doors to the outside...
 one of the biggest indoors I have seen...
 beautiful fencing....
 lush green pastures and a pond sporting a bridge and fountains.  They did not miss a trick....anywhere.  Can't remember the sign yet. The something, something Ranch.   Just know full board is $500 a month and it is one spectacular spot.  I'd say it can easily compete with anything on the East side.

Home for about an hour, then Gary and I left for Tina and Rogers as they were taking us out to dinner.  Look at the size of these blossoms!!!!  The gardens are still full of color.

 Before we left I had to check out the new addition to the back of their barn.  The horses and Tina are going to love this!!!!

Gary drove us over to Charlotte and we ate at the Pelican's Nest.

 Unbelievable weather.
 Lake Ontario is just to the north.

 All kinds of name it, there was one.

 Lots of seagulls too.

 Many of the people arrived by boat and parked right next to where we were sitting.

 Thank you Tina and Roger.  Loved every minute.

Got home in time to do chores.
 Tucked the girls in
 and I'm ready for a break.
 Night all.


  1. Summer's back!
    That's for sure.
    btw wouldn't leave those fries unattended for long. I think the gulls have ideas.

  2. Another busy productive day. The food looks great. What a nice spot for dinner. Love the new facility too. I'm sure any horse would appreciate being there.

  3. You have worked to hard to save the Center - this just has to go your way! I am always amazed what you accomplish in a day and blog on top of it all.

  4. Whoa, love that new barn! The indoor is to die for! 500 a month is an absolute steal compared to boarding in our area.
    Love that lakeside restaurant.

  5. Good luck on the Senior Center hope all your hard work pays off. Those horse stalls and arena are fantastic. Great pictures of the boats and gulls too.


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