Friday, August 29, 2014

Out Again

 It's late and I am so tired....

 After chores I managed a trike ride.
Grabbed a shot of Dancer and Harley on my way home.
 Then I attacked the garden next to the stone has got to go!  8 billion day lillies, lots of snow on the mountain and weeds.  This whole area needs some serious remodeling.

 These late bloomers are coming on strong!

 We picked a lot of veggies today and started freezing carrots.

 Once again Karen did chores and we went over to Brenda and Al's for dinner...Ann and Ron were there too, for our monthly get together.  In case you don't remember, Brenda is a painter and Al is a carver.  Here are some of their recent works.

This is a painting of Berlin!  I love it and at least want to get a print.  These guys read my Journal regularly and Brenda has my permission to snag any photos she wants to use in her paintings.  Very surprised to see this.  Wow.
 Because this is under glass you can see my reflection ....sorry about that, 'cause it's a beauty.

 Here is what Al has been up to.

 As per usual, we had an outstanding meal.
I made a salad...spinach, onion, tomato, bacon, hard boiled eggs and grated sharp cheddar cheese.
 Brenda made carrots with a horseradish sauce...
 and chicken.

 Another fantastic feast.

 Ann made gluten free cookies
 and this frozen peach concoction (can't remember what it's called).  I can tell you that it was beyond delish.  It never fails!  Excellent food and very fine conversation.
My eyes are's after 11:30 and I'm whipped.
Night all


  1. Beautiful paintings of the horses, they both are very talented artists. And the food is not bad looking either.

  2. Oh. My. Gosh. The paintings, the carvings, the food -- feasts for the eyes and stomach and soul . . . xx


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