Thursday, August 28, 2014

Going, Going....Gone

 Much cooler this morning and I loved it.

As you probably know, there is no rest for the wicked.
After chores I took a quick shower and hurried down to the village so I could meet Hanny and Jean, as we had an appointment in Greece at the Community and Senior Center.  What an amazing complex.  Our goal was to learn as much as possible about their system, to see if there was something we could use at our Senior Center.
 This was a bench parked next to the entrance.
 It was worth the trip and we were able to learn from each other.

Got back to the farm for lunch, then at 3...turned right around and went to the Town Hall, where we had a committee meeting (regarding our desire to keep the Senior Center viable).  I'd say it was pretty darn productive.
 Back home a little before 5 and quickly whipped up some pasta, topped with a little of the fresh sauce we made yesterday.  It hit the spot.
 Karen did the chores and I drove back down to the Village for the third time today.  This was the last night for Summer Serenades.  Another good crowd and perfect weather conditions.

Tonight we were entertained by Tom Mahoney and the Grand Canyon Episode....
American Roots Rock.
 Gary, Jacquie, Terry and Bill have pulled off another great season.

By the time I got home it was dark.  A very long day.
Night all.


  1. What busy (and fulfilling) days you have. Always love to see your beautiful horses. That first photo is great--love the perspective and the dark buildings on each side. Thanks for your nice comment on my blog--I really appreciate it. Have a great weekend. Mickie :)

  2. What a busy day - but it looks like a lovely one.

  3. Another busy day for you but well worth all the running around. Don't know how you do it.

  4. You always amaze me that you find time to cook. Wonderful day!

  5. Dear Lori, a very long day--yes--but it sounds as if it were also a very rewarding and gratifying day. One filled with the horses and the barn, two meetings, fine food, the beauty of late summer, and the sound of toe-tapping music! Peace.


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