Friday, August 15, 2014

Cool Beans

 This morning was an instant replay.  Chores, then down to the village for a trike ride with Sally.
 Before getting on the canal path we made a stop at the post office.
 Then we headed in the opposite direction from yesterday.  Two bikers approached us and asked which way was West...they were going the wrong way to Niagara Falls and thanked us for setting them straight.

 As it was very windy, going out was a little harder than coming back.

 Sally went home and I continued to ride around the village.

 The people who live in this house worked up the ground between the sidewalk and street to put in this beautiful garden.

Do you like to barter?  Today I traded a lot of dill weed for a pecan pie.  We got the best end of that deal!

Does anyone out there need cucumbers?  We have a bushel and more out in the garden.
Have already frozen a lot of beans...
 and this is the 3rd time I've BBQued them.

 Before dinner, Paula (across the street) brought her horse over for some exercise in the indoor.
 Finnegan is the sweetest boy.

 She has not been on him in a long time and wants to get back into riding.

Dinner was simple...the beans, tomatoes with onions, mozzarella cheese and basil...
 and leftover potato salad.
 Perfect.  Now we have to control ourselves and not have anymore pecan pie.

Chores at 7:30.  Poor Abbe got kicked a couple of days ago and is gimpy in her left hind.

 Tucked them in for another nice, cool night.
Did manage to get the two small pastures mown.

Now I'm really sleepy.
Night all.

1 comment:

  1. Poor Abbe! I hope she's feeling better. Hate that.
    Love pecan pie soooo much!


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