Saturday, July 19, 2014

Zucchini This and Zucchini That...

 Started off cool and heated up quickly.
 As planned, Karen and I went out to the back pasture and worked on the apple tree.
 By the time she finished trimming, it looked like an umbrella.

 The girls were curious and are probably not to happy about all the apples we removed.
 See those zucchini plants...
 as of this week, we have been bombarded.
It's going to be a challenge to remember to pick them while they are small.
Also found some bell peppers.

 This afternoon I continued working on my presentation for the Town Board Meeting on Tuesday night.
Then, Gary and I watched a movie while we had dinner.  Leftover lomain, zucchini parm, a cucumber salad and grilled rolls.
 Called the girls in around 7:15.

 Berlin came in with a swollen eye last looks normal now.  I'm sure the mask helped her today.
 While the outdoor arena was still a little damp, I decided to mow what has grown and tried to flatten it out with the lawn tractor wheels.  Keeping the horses off until it fills in a little more.
 Mowed the front paddock while I was at it.
 I'm expecting our willow tree to yield to high winds one of these days...there is so much weight on the south side!
Just took a nice hot shower and am ready to veg.
Night all.


  1. Beautiful willow tree, the branches are so graceful. Do I have your email address? I have the most amazing recipe for zucchini loaf, originally from Gayle in Alaska. When we had so many, I grated and froze, putting into bags, either 1 or 2 cups, for later use, squishing out the excess fluid first. Suddenly you have so much garden produce, it seems only a few weeks ago there was snow. Cheers,Jean.

  2. Your garden is going crazy! Dinner looks great. Zucchini aren't quite ready yet here. I found a recipe for zucchini bread that I want to try so I'm hoping it shows up soon. Brett doesn't like it -- so I have to hide it in things. :)

  3. Your crops are amazing! Poor Berlin, in the wars again. I'm glad she seems a bit better after wearing the mask. Have a great Sunday. Jo


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