Friday, July 18, 2014

Good Company!

 Another cool morning.
 Guess who found the apple tree.  Tomorrow we will have to trim up the branches.

 Good for me!  I made it to Agape three times this week.
 Made a quick stop at Wegmans, then went back to the farm and started getting things ready for dinner.

 Jay, Heidi, Carol and Ted arrived at 5:30.

 We started out on the back porch with wine and a couple of appetizers.
 A gazillion years ago, Carol used to board her horse here.  We competed in several hunter paces together and were part of a Quadrille.  14 years ago she and Ted sold there home, placed Augie with a friend of mine, and started new lives living our of their RV.  They have traveled all over the place.  Spend some time in Florida during the winter and come back up here for about 6 months.  We just met Jay and Heidi a short time ago when they stopped in to buy  garlic.  Ironically, they are all staying at the same facility and have gotten to know each other.  Tonight, we finally got everyone together!

What did we eat????

I made a salad with spinach, black berries, blue berries (all from our garden), onion, nectarine, banana and crumbly blue.  Sound crazy?  It was spectacular!
 Had picked some beans a couple of days ago and turned them into a BBQ side.
 Gary grilled some marinated boneless pork chops which he basted with a mustard/brown sugar sauce.
 Homemade lomain...
 and finally, roasted beets with sour cream and chives (from our garden).

 A real feast.

 Carol (who still loves horses) went with me to the barn when I tucked the girls in.
 In the meantime, the guys picked rhubarb, beets and dill to go.

 Carol brought a delicious chocolate pie for dessert.
 When it started to get dark, the back porch looked like a little cafe.

 We last until 9:30 and called it quits.
 Had some pretty interesting conversations!  Like, this is a perfect age to live together in a commune with your friends so you can help each other.  A return to hippiedom!
 Such a good time.
Night all.


  1. Love the shot of Abbe in the apple tree.

  2. How fun! That salad looked fabulous :-).

  3. If there's an apple tree a horse will find it! Great picture.

    Love your tablecloth and fabulous food.

  4. Your back porch looked so pretty! And of course there will be one who finds the apples first and then defends them!!

  5. You sure have an eye for--and a way with-- people and animals and flowers and food and photos. xx


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