Friday, July 25, 2014

The New Universal Language....

At 3am they started harvesting beans in the field next to our bedroom.
 Just a little noisy....

 Jay and Heidi stopped by with their dog...Maggie, who is a rescue.

 So smart and adorable.

 Jay explained (to Gary) that when you are with a group and you want to escape, you should rub your forehead like this and then go elsewhere.
 We had a few laughs over that one.
 Gordy B. was here by 9am moving manure and leaves to the gardens where the garlic was growing.  After that he rototilled and the soil was fantazmagorickkkkk.
(Lots of activity around here).

 He does one heck of a job.
 After that I went down to Weggies for a few things and snapped a couple of shots of
 their flowers.
 The colors were so gorgeous, I could not resist.

Made some sauce and put together some vegetarian lasagna for dinner.
 Judy and Randy joined us.

 Went out to tuck the girls in before dessert.

 Sidney has got the right idea.  I am too pooped to participate!

 Dessert was a blueberry cake that we topped with soft vanilla ice cream (made by Judy).
 We called it a night pretty early as all of us were tired.
Speaking of night...out in Las Vegas the kids were swimming in the dark last evening.
Steph and Joe have a little pool that is perfect for cooling off.

I'm toast.
Night all.


  1. That bean harvesting noise would have been way too early for me!

  2. well you sure are a busy sort!

    I worked in the garden and also worked in the pasture yesterday hand digging weeds.

    Our shared garden is doing wonderfully, enough to feed all of us and leftovers to share!

  3. Vegetarian lasagna! And blueberry cake with vanilla ice cream! Feed me, please!


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