Thursday, July 3, 2014

24 Little Hours...

 At 9:15 last night we left for the Buffalo Airport to pick up our granddaughters.
 It was a beautiful evening and of course their plane was late.  Getting here was not that pleasant for them, with all the crazy weather across the nation.
 Conked out at 12:30 am.

Chores as usual this morning.  I was back in my old groove.

 It rained on and off all day long.

 During one break I managed to mow another section of the big pasture.
 Went to Wegmans for a boatload of groceries and when I got back to the farm Daniela
 and Ariana were awake and out on the porch.

 Finn and Coop stopped up before going to Fire Island with Kevin.

 These cousins love spending time together.

 Group hug when Jen arrived.

 Gary was busy setting up Summer Serenades down at the Welcome Center, while Scott and Jenny joined us for dinner.
 A Saint Tim salad....our own spinach, grapes, nectarines and our strawberries.
 Corn on the cob....barbecued chicken
 Daniela requested a cucumber salad....

 and mashed potatoes.
 All was delish and I did not get a picture of the apple pie for dessert.

Daniela went out to the barn with me for evening chores.

 She and Ariana went home with Jenny as they were going to see the fireworks tonight.

 A little before 8 I headed down to the Welcome Center to try and grab a few shots.  Once again I had to pull off the road to catch some pictures of the sunset.

Tonight the entertainment was provided by Bill Hullfish and The Golden Eagle String Band.

 Gary stayed to close up shop.  There were several beautiful boats docked.
 I headed back through town and stopped to take pictures of the fireworks.
 For about the 5th time it started to pour.

 Phoebe and Gucci were with me and slept through all the noise.
Got home around ten and I am pooped.
Night all.


  1. Your day sounds like "ALL GO" from start to end, lovely to have the girls there for their hols, super photo with sunlight rays shining through. Cheers,Jean.

  2. Oh you are all going to have so much fun all together that is awesome. Happy 4th of July my friend Enjoy. Hug B

  3. I'm sure the girls are going to have a fun time! Can't believe the pups slept through the noise. My Maggie has been shaking like a leaf for a few days. She hates the noise.

  4. Such sweet kids.
    Those daylillies are amazing!
    Happy 4th to Skoog Farm


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