Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Return of the Manatee...

 Rained last night and it rained off and on today.

 By 9:30am I was down at Agape.  Did another 60 minute aerobic work out.
 Stopped at Weggies on the way home.
 Company for dinner.  Got a call from Sandy B. saying that the Manatee was docked down at the Welcome Center.
6 or 7 years ago I visited Gary when he was on duty. There were many boats there that day and this was one of them.  I was very curious about their dog and started a conversation with Sandy, who happened to be an Art Teacher in Ohio.  We clicked right away.  She, her husband Jeff and their dog Hatch were on a year long journey that would take them to the Bahamas and back.  We kept in touch the whole time and this photo was taken upon their return.  A few days ago I mentioned meeting them in the article that was written about me and who did I get an email from but Sandy.  They were going down the canal again...this time staying in New York State.  Of course I invited them to dinner.  Gary picked them up and they got to the farm around 6:15.
 Hatch, who has spent much time traveling with Sandy and Jeff, is one well adjusted dog.  He was very comfortable here and our dogs did not feel threatened.
 Went out to do chores before we ate.  The girls just loved Sandy.

 Got them tucked in and then it was chow time.

 Grilled ham with a brown sugar and mustard glaze, lomain, corn on the cob and a salad with pears, apples, craisins and crumbly blue.
 The dogs dined with us.
 Strawberry shortcake for dessert.
It's late.
Night all.


  1. How wonderful to catch up again, dinner looked scrumptious. Cheers to all, Jean

  2. From quiet homes and first beginnings,
    out to the undiscovered ends,
    There's nothing worth the work of winning,
    save laughter, and the love of friends.

  3. That must have been nice to see your friends
    Lily & Edward

  4. Must be so much fun to sail around like that. Love their dog and his name too. It's always nice to catch up with friends, especially with a great dinner.

  5. What fun1 It's a small world, isn't it?! Hope one day our paths will cross!

  6. What fun! It's a small world, isn't it?! Hope one day our paths will cross!


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