Sunday, June 8, 2014

The Big Slow Down....

I can't miss a day of posting, even if nothing exciting is going here it is.

At 5:30am a ray of sun was shooting through the kitchen window...can you even tell it is beaming in on some hanging pots and pans?
 The temperature was great and the breeze made it perfect...except for one thing!  Gnats.  I don't know what is going on this year, but they have really been bad.

 After chores I mowed the two small grass paddocks.  Karen picked rhubarb and weeded Gary's gardens for a couple of hours.  What a gift!

 While I was up on the hill behind the barn I had a good view of the outdoor arena.  So far the footing is still fantastic.  (Too bad we have rain right now and could get more for the next 5 days).

 Doug and Dianne H. came up to do a photoshoot for the newspaper article.  They wanted some shots of me with the horses.  I hope some of them turned out...not exactly Miss Photogenic.

Jen dropped Finn and Coop off around 10:30 so she could have lunch with a couple of friends...all celebrating their birthdays.

The boys helped Gary plant corn.
 When he left for his duty at the Welcome Center we played a mean game of Monopoly.
 As soon as Jenny returned, the first thing she said was...."got any pie?"  I had just finished picking some rhubarb so she got me started on making one.
 Also decided to make macaroni salad for dinner.
 Late afternoon it started raining and the horses were smart enough to hang out under the shed roof.

 Put them in at 6:15 and that was that.
 A fruit and veggie supper...delish.
Of course we finished it off with a piece of pie.
Night all.


  1. Another wonderful day in your neighborhood. The pie does look wonderful.

  2. Yummy pie, rain to keep those veges growing, and help in the garden, a good day by the sound of it. Cheers,Jean.

  3. Nothing better than having help weeding. It's my least favorite chore.

    Bet that pie tasted good. I could go for a piece right now.

  4. Sorry about the gnats. 36 degrees last night, so still no flies. I expect them to explode any day now.
    Dinner looks delish. I'll br right over.


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