Saturday, June 14, 2014

Scott to the Rescue....

My kind of morning.  Crisp and bright.
 It was this beautiful by 6am.

 I'm sure the girls appreciated the temperature.

As some of you know (from reading my Journal) we have been having trouble with our kitchen sink since late winter.  We have had the plumber here 3 times (twice with an assistant) and thanks to Scott, today the job was finished.  He and Jenny arrived a little after 11 and brought along a tractor with a little trench sized whatchamacallit on the back.  A perfect father's day gift for Gary, who could not have done this with his trusty shovel. 

 Scott is a big equipment operator and knew just what to do.  Thanks to his Father, for loaning him the tractor.

 While he and Gary worked their butts off, Jenny and I took the van and went down to her house so we could clean out her garage.  Our first stop was St. Lukes, where we dropped off 7 boxes of books.
 Then, we took a huge load over to Kevin's apartment.  Thank heavens he and the boys helped us...lots of heavy stuff.  Look at Cooper go.
 I was anxious to meet their kittens.
 Oliver is on the left and Ivory is on the right.  So sweet.

 By the time we got back to the farm we were starving and made lunch.

 Jenny, Scott and Gary went back to work on the project and I went out in the pasture with the horses and started mowing.

 We've had just enough rain to keep things growing and green.

I just have this section to finish to get rid of those buttercups.
 In the meantime, these poor guys were still working.

 By 5 they were finished and it looks like we are back in business.  On Monday we will start using our reverse osmosis system....yay!!!!!!
 The girls were tucked in by 7.

 All the holes were filled in....

 and I took a tired Gary out to dinner for Father's Day.  His best present was from Scott.
Night all.


  1. Looks like a very satisfactory day, and sometimes best gifts do not have any money in hand to make them the BEST. Lovely lawn, I'm sure a dinner out was so appreciated.Cheers.Jean

  2. Gotta love summer buttercups with horsies munching away.

  3. Mowing down the buttercups? Aw, but they look so purty . . . xx

  4. Yeah! So glad the water problem is over with. That sounds like the best present ever.

    Love all the pictures and love the weather. We have the same here.

  5. I know you are relieved to have that sink situation repaired. Happy Father's Day to Gary!


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