Monday, June 23, 2014

"Down On The Farm And Around The World

Here is the link to the article....

As for today....
 checked on the gardens...

 then off to Agape.  Lasted for a full hour doing aerobic exercise.
 On the way home I drove by the Welcome Center.  There were only two boats docked.

 Could not resist showing you Pam's gardens.  She is the premier gardener in this community and this is what she came up with for her rental property next to her home.  Who would not want to live there?

 Gary worked all day, doing interior painting at a friend's house and got home after six.  I spent much of the afternoon reading and finished my book.

Tucked the girls in around 7.

 Did not make dinner...treated Gary to "breakfast" down at the Golden Eagle.
Night all.


  1. Beautiful gardens. You should be proud of yourself for doing one whole hour. That's a real accomplishment. I only did 1/2 hour and that was enough for me.

  2. Oh Lorie I LOVED that article I knew and imagined you were just as this is written. A woman with a lot of talent a big heart, soul and compassion. Oh I really liked reading more about you. Someday when we meet and we will, I know we are going to get along so well.
    Take care and that is a nice garden:) Hug B

  3. At this point, I can't imagine doing a whole hour of exercise without passing out! You really should be proud of yourself. Having horses is a real work out too though!

  4. Your veggies and flowers look fantastic!


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