Sunday, June 22, 2014

A Jiggy Ride Down The Lane....

Another cool and gorgeous morning.  After chores, Karen checked the fence line and decided to ride.  First she rode Angel in the ring. 
 While she was doing that, I mowed the path down the lane...which goes back 1 mile.
 A doe was watching me and stepped off the path into a pond as I approached her.
As soon as I got past that area she went into the field to resume eating.
 Got back just in time to put on some boots and tack up Berlin.
 Karen decided to try my bitless bridle for the first time.
 Fortunately it was so cool there were not too many bugs out.  Berlin, my sweet reliable girl!!!! was a pain in the butt.  Especially on the way back.  She jigged the whole way home.  That's what I get for not riding her more often.  Certainly was not acting 29 years old!
 She was soaked when we got back, so I walked her in the indoor for awhile.

 Both she and Abbe were brought into the grooming room for a nice peppermint wash.

 As soon as Maggie went out, she was rolling in the dirt.

 I thought Abbe and Berlin were going to join her, but they ended up going out to the pasture.

 I just can't get enough of these clematis blossoms!  They continue to explode more and more each day.

 Gary had duty at the Welcome Center and I did very little at home.  

Looked at my guitar and did not have the energy to play it.  It is a beautiful classical Guild Mark 3 and has been very inactive for years.  I had it repaired and ignored it until about a week ago.  Can't believe how wimpy my fingers have gotten...need some callouses so I can hold down the strings.  Hopefully I can make a slight comeback.  

Here is another section of the article written about me.  I will post the web address when it goes up on Tuesday.

Took a shower, made a salad and at at 4:30 we headed down to the village for a Summer Solstice party at the home of Margay and Ulpi.  There were tons of people and food was everywhere.

 And that's just part of it!!!!!

 The usual suspects were there.

 Below are Ulpi and Margay, our hosts.  They have a perfect spot for an event like this.

Home by 7 and went out to tuck the girls in.

 We have really lucked out in the weather department.
 Night all.


  1. What a gorgeous day for a ride. If I rolled in mud like that I'd be in the tub getting water boarded
    Lily & Edward

  2. The weather is just perfect for riding. Glad you got out with Berlin. Sounds like she certainly wasn't acting her age. She must have enjoyed it too and was excited.

    Beautiful clematis flowers. Congratulations on getting recognized for all you do in the article.

  3. Looks like a good day for a ride!

    We have too many kids in the house right now for me to ride.

    What beautiful photos too!


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