Sunday, May 18, 2014

My Kind of Weather....All Day Long

 I love cool(ish) and sunny.

 After chores I went to Wegmans....
 and Country Max for some shavings.
Checked out some apple trees...boy were they expensive!

 Gary had duty at the Welcome Center and when he got home, continued planting strawberries.  We are going to have a ton.  Seeing that strawberries are high in the list for pesticides, I will make sure all these organic babies are made into jam, shortcake and frozen.
 I put up a couple "frames" for the peas
 and transplanted some raspberry runners.
 Fed the girls early and put them back outside.

 We had orderd two Chicken BBQues at the Morgan Manning fund raiser

 and 10 of us joined Louise and Jack over at Apple Creek Farm where we had some great appetizers and ate dinner together.

 Too bad I didn't remember to take a picture before we dug in.

 Louise made a chocolate zuchini cake
 and a carrot cake for dessert.  Everything was delish and we covered many local topics throughout the meal.
 When  we left at 8:15 the sun was setting.
 Another beauty.
Tucked the girls in when we got home.
Night all.


  1. Beautiful day, from start to stop, girls, sunshine, vege garden thriving, and sunset just gorgeous. Cheers, Jean,

  2. You horsies look awfully happy too. Are you playing pin the tail on the donkey since you are blindfolded
    Lily & Edward

  3. Such a day, ahhhh. Love it all, esp. the silouhette photo w/horse. xx


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