Saturday, May 17, 2014

More Fun With Helen - Day 2

Let Helen sleep in this morning while I went out to do chores.  It was very beautiful outside, but in the 40s.  The Vet arrived at 9 to give the horses their spring shots.
 The big pasture still has some standing water.

 After that I went in for some shredded wheat before Helen and I went out to pick a ton of rhubarb.

 We had just enough time to make two pies.

 Got cleaned up and dressed, then we headed down to the Morgan Manning House for the end of the year luncheon for History Club.  In honor of our 94 year old member, hats and gloves were an option.  I knew Helen would really enjoy this, as history is her thing.  In Scotland, she is a storyteller.

 We both had a delicious chicken salad for lunch...
 followed by an assortment of desserts....
 and tea....of course.

 We had a speaker who has just published a book on how to write memoirs...or stories that you can pass down to you children and other family members.  She was excellent and made me want to write.

Home a little after three and we were freezing.  Started a fire and relaxed for awhile.  We were all yawning.

Put the girls in at 6:30.
 When I got to the front paddock, they were all watching Gary as he sat next to the garden.

 Made some white pasta and a salad for dinner....we were overdue.

 Left after 8 to drive Helen back to Glen Darach.
Had to pull off the road to grab some shots of the sunset.

We sure had a jam packed 30 hours.
Night all.


  1. June will be strawberry-rhubarb pie time for me. My rhubarb plants have been struggling the last few springs.

  2. "made you want to write."? You are doing that, with fabulous photos every day!
    The luncheon looked wonderful. I love the place cards.

  3. Sounds like a great time with good friends and good food. Love the pics of the sunset. Gorgeous.

  4. That luncheon looks like a wonderful time. Glad you had a great 30 hours.

  5. Yep, you are already offering a photographic memoir . . . but I bet you have many pre-blog tales to tell .. .


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