Saturday, May 10, 2014

Back in the Saddle...

A busy and beautiful day.
 Karen and I did chores as usual.

 Then, she helped me take our 3 cats down to the Town Garage for a free rabies clinic.  What you see is half of the line as I did not have my camera in hand when we got there.  It started at 9 and people were there at 7!  If I do this again, I'm not getting there until after 10:30.  Inside, there were at least 20 volunteers and it took us about 35 minutes to get the job done.  I was very worried about Sophie escaping as it took us 10 minutes to get her in the carrier.  BUT! We put a dog collar on her and had a leash ready if we needed it and the technician had no problems whatsoever.  Whewwww!  At least that's done.  I could not have done it without Karen.
 Seeing that the indoor and outdoor rings were groomed and the weather was great, we rode.
She started out on Maggie and I rode Berlin.  We were inside, outside and down the back field.

 Berlin was a little jiggy on the way home, but I was very pleased with her as she has not been ridden in months.

 After that, Karen rode Angel...

 and I did a little lounging with Abbe.  She was also a good girl and needs to get back in work.
 Next time out I will long line her.

Went to drumming this afternoon and it felt very good.  Tomorrow 14 of us are going into Rochester to drum for the Pink Ribbon Run and Walk, which is sponsored by the Cancer Coalition.   We are going to be a vision in pink.

Did chores early, as the weather was nice enough for the girls to go back outside for awhile.  Will tuck them in around 9 or so.

Very simple supper.  We were in need of a big salad....
 and I also had Korv (Swedish Sausage made by Gary and Randy)
 with a side of fresh peas and carrots.

Now if I could only find a nice piece of rhubarb pie.  That might have to happen tomorrow.
Night all.


  1. It must have felt great to get on Berlin! I'm sure she enjoyed the ride too. The day looks warm and perfect for a ride.

  2. Yay! There's nothing better than being back in the saddle.
    What a line! I know what you mean about fearing a cat escape. When my mother died so many years ago, I flew her cat home with me as carry on, and they made me take her out of the carrier to go through security. I was terrified she'd escape in the airport, but she scared limp.

  3. How wonderful it must have been to go for a ride!

  4. Hooray for riding! Angel looks like a beautiful mover. How was Abbe's leg when you lunged her?

  5. great to ride again, and those shoes? and flowers too!!! Enjoy your warmer days, no frost this morning, but Hugh, my local, in-house, weather man, predicts one for tonight. We'll see, Cheers, Jean.

  6. Wonderful that you went riding !! I am going to say it again...jealous of your arena!

    Maybe I'll have one ONE Day!

    I bet it felt great to ride again!

  7. What a beautiful horsie
    Happy Mother's Day
    Lily & Edward

  8. Looks and sounds like it was a wonderful day!


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