Friday, May 9, 2014

85! Are You Serious?

Last night there was a wild thunderstorm and I slept right through it.
This morning the girls found the water and mud as soon as they went out.


 At 10:30 we left for a chorus performance in Albion.
 There was a huge turnout for a lunch presented by the Office of the Aging.
 I was very impressed with the entire event.
 By the time we got home I was ready for a nap, but it didn't happen.

 We had some serious humidity along with the 85 degrees and the horses were hanging out under the shed roof.  Angel and Maggie had dumped their masks and the gnats were out again.
 I decided to put them in a little early....

 just before we had a torrential downpour.
 At 7 we went down to A Different Path Gallery for the Brockport Artists' Guild opening.

 Nice turnout!

 And live music!

 I had a chance to meet many of the artists.
 Home a little after 8.

Night all.


  1. 85 and humid? Ugh! It's too early for that noise. It's been comfortable here the past week -- a bit of rain and temps in the upper 60s. Next week it is supposed to jump 20+ degrees. I'll be joining you in Ugh-dom.

  2. Wow, that's pretty hot with humidity. No wonder the bugs are out. We've had fog and rain for days. Today it's finally 70. Time for the fly masks here too.

  3. 85! Are you serious?!? We're looking down the barrel of a snowstorm!


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