Tuesday, March 11, 2014

How Does 55 Sound?

By the time we watched the 6pm news tonight, most of the schools in the area had announced they would be closed tomorrow.  This is a 4 flower day and tomorrow is going to be worse.  Fortunately it was mild this morning and got warmer as the day went on.

 A beautiful sunrise.

 It was even bright inside of the barn.

 The girls were very happy to find some grass to nibble on.

 This was our driveway this morning.  Tomorrow it may be covered with 2 feet of snow.
We had an extra chorus rehearsal at the high school this morning.  Weather permitting, there will be a concert Thursday night and we will be performing with the High School and Middle School choruses.  This is where I spent most of my teaching career.  
 As a retired art teacher, I was very happy to see the work on display from the Studio in Art classes.

 While I was still teaching, this wall hanging was made for the auditorium.
 I produced the bottom left square (Sankofa) ink on silk.

 We had an excellent rehearsal.
 Liz Banner is the director.  There are 96 kids in this group and boy!  are they tuned in every minute.  Their music is memorized and they know what they are doing.  She and I taught a couple of classes together when I was still there.
"Why We Create Art and Music."
 By the time we got home, it was warm and I took the blankets off the horses.

 Did not start class until 1:30 today.  Jean brought up a big box of stamps that she got at an auction for 20 bucks.  Some of us made cards.

 What a gas!
(the bottom three are mine)
I could do this all day.
 Tina is really making progress....Tabby is taking shape.
 It was still mild when I went out to do evening chores.

 When I tucked the girls in for the night, their blankets went back on (after I brushed Abbe and Berlin since they rolled).  Angel and Maggie were kind enough to stay clean.  32 by morning and then all hell is supposed to break loose.  Snow, wind, blizzard conditions and whatever else can be thrown at us.  The pasture was pretty ugly tonight and won't look like this tomorrow.

 Dinner....mixed greens with kiwi, mango, banana, peanuts and golden raisins...
with leftover corn chowder.
 The frig is full, Gary has lots of wood on the back porch....
bring it on.
Night all.


  1. It sounds like you are ready, even if you are dreading it. I think we are all very tired of winter.

  2. Gorgeous day in the neighborhood
    Lily & Edward

  3. Wonderful pictures throughout.

    Can't believe you're going to get so much snow again. Hang in there. This too shall pass. It's got to be the last hurrah of winter.

  4. Oh Brrr. But through that you captured your sunrise beautifully. I love the artwork. Keep warm, dear Lori. Greetings Jo


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