Monday, March 10, 2014

Are We On The Edge Of A Big Storm?

If we get a foot of snow tomorrow, I am going to have to post 2 flowers.
 A grey and mild morning.  The paddock was in pretty good shape.

 Another "takin' it easy" day.  Made some vordag cookies and got things organized for dinner.
 Gary met Finn and Coop after school and got home just in time for dinner.

The temperature was at 50 when I got out to the barn.  That's going to be short lived.

 Tucked the girls in and grabbed a shower before Sally, Judy and Sandy arrived.  Gary has no problem being surrounded by women.
 Sandy brought a ceasar salad.
 Judy brought bread and muffins.
 I made corn chowder.
 Sally brought razzleberry pie and ice cream.
We chowed.  It was delish.
Night all.


  1. Vordag cookies? Never heard of 'em. Swedish? What are they like? They look shortbread-ish -- and yummy.

  2. Beautiful flower, some grass showing, cookies, and all the girls enjoying outdoor time. Cheers to all, Jean.

  3. Gary is like Grant who's often the only male around loves it! I love the sound of razzleberry pie ! I hope the storm doesn't materialize, Lori, but meanwhile wrap up warmly! Greetings, Jo

  4. Oh another storm are you surprised?:) We are expecting the same system here, it will be spring soon it is March so we will get through it how long can it last?:) Take care stay safe. Hug B

  5. I'm hoping you don't get another storm. Enough is enough and it is almost officially Spring.

    Cookies look good. Never heard of them.

  6. Yep, fill up the water tanks and check the heaters - we had 4 inches dumped on us last are on the same latitude as us, so its probably headed your way...unless the great lakes stops it for a detour!

    and we are in a flood warning area :o!

  7. I asked google what vordag cookies were and they sent me right back here.


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